Tuesday, 20 November 2007

So little time...

Just realised I haven't written anything here for over a month. That would be because I am actually drowning in work, practice assigments, module reading, children, nappies, new pets, functions.......far too much to do and far too few hours in every day.

Yesterday for example. Took my son to pre-school (46 minutes late - I swear my children are as hopeless as I am at getting up in the morning), took my daughter to my mum's house so i could use the computer there. Oh yes. I spilled wine on my laptop and now it is dead. Which does not really help much. Anyway, went to my mum's, did some work on my assignment. Interspersed with my daughter insisting on watching clips of "The Night Garden" on youtube. Sure I will end up mentioning iggle piggle in an exam or essay as he is now so closely entwined with direct effects in my brain. So after that collected the son from pre-school (danced a jig because he didn't have an "accident" - toilet training working at last), children to my mum then I went to work. Stacks to do there, rushed home to teach. That took me to half six. Then I had a chance to do some work and completed my assignment on EU law. Then attacked the Law of Contract reading. Book went down at 11.45pm.

I didn't actually stop or sit down and chill at all yesterday and today will be much the same.

I had a boost because I passed the English Legal Method assignment with some really good comments (my answers for q's 1-4 were exemplary, apparently) but it is still somewhat overwhelming at times. So much studying on top of family and working life.

The fact is that I really do enjoy the subject, well apart from ConstiAdmin. I just wish I had more time to devote to my studies. I didn't realise how easy it was at university when I just had my degree and the odd bit of part time work to contend with. Add 60 hours of work a week, two young children, 2 animals and a house to look after into the equation and the study has to battle for attention.

Anyway, here is my progress to date:

ELM - passed - nothing else to do. Hurrah!

ConstiAdmin - thought about the practise assignment. Haven't written it. Haven't started the reading for the next weekend.

Contract - really enjoying it, nearly completed the assignment. Finished the reading for the next weekend.

Tort - loving it. Done the assignment, nearly completed the reading.

EU Law - also really enjoying this. Completed assignment, reading yet to do.

Other achievements of note:
my son is at last toilet trained (cue the Hallelujah Chorus)
My new cat is now litter-tray trained (cue as above)
My children have done no lasting damage to any assignments/reading/notes
My son knows what precedent is
My daughter knows about res ipsa loquitur.
I know a lot more than I did.
Oh and very excitingly I should be getting a formal offer from big legal company in a few days!


Have exceeded the allocated time for this blog and I am now intruding onto Consti time. With regret I must get on with that.

Will update soon - next study weekend is 2 and a half weeks away so serious study hat will need to be worn.

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